This project offers an API written in Java to interact with the Acronis Files Sync & Share product.
The project is not ready yet!
Members: Joel Strasser (joestr)
GitHub repo: AcronisFSS
Speeds up your minecarts!
A Spigot plugin for defining entry points for faster minecart lanes. Can be used to establish a fast railroad network on your Minecraft server.
Members: Joel Strasser (joestr)
Sending items to others!
With this Spigot plugin you can send items to other players.
Members: Joel Strasser (joestr)
GitHub repo: PostBox
This project provides plugins for Spigot and BungeeCord and a server software to interlink Minecraft servers.
The project is not ready yet!
Members: Joel Strasser (joestr)
GitHub repo: Tachyon
A simple PHP-written web page which grabs service information form a Zabbix instance and displays it.
Members: Joel Strasser (joestr)
GitHub repo: status-page-zabbix